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Egzamin gimnazjalny 2015 Angielski rozszerzony - jest już ARKUSZ CKE (SPRAWDŹ ODPOWIEDZI)

Egzamin gimnazjalny angielski rozszerzony - arkusz CKE - odpowiedzi - testy gimnazjalne 2015 - część językowa
Egzamin gimnazjalny angielski rozszerzony - arkusz CKE - odpowiedzi - testy gimnazjalne 2015 - część językowa ARKUSZ CKE (CENTRALNA KOMISJA EGZAMINACYJNA)
Egzamin gimnazjalny 2015. Testy gimnazjalne - język angielski rozszerzony - arkusz CKE. Jeszcze dzisiaj opublikujemy dla Was arkusz egzaminacyjny z języka angielskiego - poziom rozszerzony. Na naszej stronie internetowej będziecie mogli zobaczyć również arkusze CKE z poziomu rozszerzonego do wszystkich pozostałych języków obcych nowożytnych, z który ch testy gimnazjalne zdawali dzisiaj gimnazjaliści. Co było na angielskim rozszerzonym? Uczniowie słuchali nagrani o urządzaniu imprezy urodzinowej. Musieli dopasować wypowiedzi do odpowiednich osób. Na egzaminie nie zabrakło również tekstów z tzw. lukami, w które trzeba było wstawić odpowiednie zdania albo słowa. Angielski poziom rozszerzony obejmował także zadania otwarte, a konkretnie część pisemną. Uczniowie musieli napisać e-mail o zawodach sportowych, w których wzięli udział. Wszystkie arkusze CKE i odpowiednie linki znajdziecie poniżej.


Egzamin gimnazjalny 2015 - dzisiejsze testy językowe zakończyły zmagania uczniów z egzaminem gimnazjalnym. Większość uczniów tradycyjne pisała język angielski. Na drugim miejscu był niemiecki. O godz. 11 uczniowie pisali angielski poziom rozszerzony.


Zadanie 1. (0–6)
Usłyszysz dwukrotnie dwa teksty. Na podstawie informacji zawartych w nagraniu
w zadaniach 1.1.–1.6. z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą. Zakreśl literę A, B
albo C. Zadania 1.1.–1.3. odnoszą się do pierwszego tekstu, a zadania 1.4.–1.6.
do drugiego.
Tekst 1.
Usłyszysz rozmowę dwojga nastolatków.

Tekst 1.
Man: OK, Marion, what would you like me to do now?
Woman: Well, let me think. I’ve already taken the books and the chairs out. Now you can
push the bed and the desk to the middle of the room.
Man: Fine. But first you have to roll the carpet. I can carry it to the garage if you want.
Woman: It can stay. It’s old and I’m going to throw it away afterwards.
Man: I’ll put some old newspapers on it anyway. Now, what colour would you like
the walls to be?
Woman: My mum suggested green or blue. She likes those colours the most, but they are not
my favourite. I think I’d like orange on these three walls and brown on this one.
I’ve got a lovely poster. It will look great on it.
Man: Where is it? I’d like to see it.
Woman: It’s still wrapped in paper. I’ll put the poster on the wall when it’s dry.
Man: What shall we do now?
Woman: You can start the work and I’ll make some spaghetti for us. It won’t take long.
Man: But you’ll help me after lunch?
Woman: Sure. I’ll bring the brushes for us. If we work together, we should finish it today.

1.1. Marion wants her friend to
А. carry her books out.
В. move some furniture.
С. take the carpet away.

1.2. Which is true about Marion?
А. She likes the same colours as her mum does.
В. She wants to buy a poster for her room.
С. She’s going to prepare some food.

1.3. What are Marion and her friend doing?

А. They are getting ready to paint a room.
В. They are moving out of the house.
С. They are putting in new furniture.



Tekst 2.
Usłyszysz wypowiedź nastolatka.

Woman: Here’s our phone-in programme for teens who want to make a difference.
Let’s welcome our first caller. Hello, Brandon.

Boy: Hi. I’m a member of the school environmental club. We learn a lot there. Instead
of buying juice in cartons at school, we take drinks from home in glass bottles that
we can use again later. We also take lunches to school in plastic lunch boxes.
Our club members also care for animals. Last week we decided to organise an event
at our local centre for homeless dogs. We needed some help so we asked younger
students to join us. Together we went to the dog centre and our group was divided
into two teams. Some of my friends walked the dogs. And the rest of us cleaned the
dog beds. Maybe in a month or two, we’ll go to the centre again. And now, every
month I send £5 to the centre. In return, I get the latest news about the dogs living

1.4. What does Brandon say about the club members?
А. They teach younger students how to look after pets at home.
В. They bring drinks in bottles to school.
С. They eat lunches prepared at school.

1.5. In what way does Brandon help the dog centre?

А. He regularly supports it financially.
В. He takes dogs for walks after classes.
С. He cleans the dog beds every week.

1.6. Brandon called the radio

А. to describe some activities of the school club.
В. to suggest organising an event at his school.
С. to thank the club members for their work.

Zadanie 2. (0–4)
Usłyszysz dwukrotnie cztery wypowiedzi na temat sposobu obchodzenia urodzin.
Na podstawie informacji zawartych w nagraniu dopasuj do każdej wypowiedzi
(2.1.–2.4.) odpowiadające jej zdanie (A–E). Wpisz rozwiązania do tabeli.
Uwaga! Jedno zdanie zostało podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej wypowiedzi.

Wypowiedź 1.
Man: I celebrate my birthdays with my parents and brothers. We don’t have a big house so
we can’t throw big parties. My parents always prepare a small family celebration for
me. My mum makes a big birthday cake and my dad decorates the flat. I get a nice
present from each person: things which don’t cost a lot, but each of them is a nice
surprise for me.

Wypowiedź 2.
Woman: My parents always organise birthday parties for me and we always celebrate together
in one of the local pizza places. I have lots of relatives and most of them are invited.
I only get one present, but it’s from all of them. Last year I got a very good laptop.
I don’t throw parties for my friends. They wish me a happy birthday at school
and I bring sweets for them.

Wypowiedź 3.
Man: I usually have a big party for my birthday and it’s always at home. There’s a lot of
space for my parents and my friends. I take care of everything on my own. I really
enjoy buying food, finding CDs, decorating the house and so on. I get many presents,
some of them are quite expensive, but the party itself is the biggest birthday present
for me. I just love throwing such parties!

Wypowiedź 4.
Woman: I never spend my birthdays at home. Every year I go on a trip with my friends and
my sister. My parents stay at home, but they pay for the trip. It’s a present from
them. And my sister gives me a small gift every year. But I think the best present you
can get is having a great time! Things can be lost or damaged, but memories are

A. I only get one gift from all of my family. - 2
B. I organise my own birthday parties. - 3
C. Each family member gives me something inexpensive. - 1
D. My friends bring a cake and sweets for my birthday.
E. I don’t spend my birthdays with my parents. - 4


[b]Zadanie 3. (0–3)
Przeczytaj tekst. Do każdego akapitu (3.1.–3.3.) dopasuj właściwe pytanie (A–E). Wpisz odpowiednią literę obok numeru każdego akapitu. Uwaga! Dwa pytania zostały podane dodatkowo i nie pasują do żadnego akapitu.

A. How did Snoopy change?
B. What is Snoopy’s neighbour like?
C. What are Snoopy’s likes and dislikes?
D. Why was Snoopy’s name changed?
E. Where did the idea for Snoopy come from?


3.1. __E__
When Charles Schulz was 15, he got a black-and-white dog called Spike. Charles once drew
a picture of his pet. The illustration was so good that it was printed in a book. Ten years later,
in 1950, Spike became the model for Snoopy, a character in Charles Schulz’s cartoon series.

3.2. __A__
At first Snoopy acted like a real dog. He walked on four legs, lived in a doghouse and didn’t
talk. Later he became more like a person. He started to walk on two legs and communicate
his thoughts to readers.

3.3. __C__
Snoopy enjoys being lazy and sleeping on top of his doghouse, sometimes all day long.
The only thing that upsets him is when he doesn’t get his supper. But when he gets his meal,
he dances happily. Pizza is Snoopy’s favourite food but he can’t stand coconut candies.
His best friend is a little bird called Woodstock and his worst enemy is the cat who lives next


Zadanie 4. Przeczytaj tekst, z którego usunięto cztery zdania. Wpisz w luki 4.1.–4.4. litery, którymi oznaczono brakujące zdania (A–E), tak aby otrzymać logiczny i spójny tekst. Uwaga! Jedno zdanie zostało podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej luki.

A bus came to a stop and a really big man got on. “Big John doesn’t pay,” he said. The small
bus driver didn’t want to argue with a man that size. 4.1. _ D __ The next day, the same thing
happened. The giant got on and again said, “Big John doesn’t pay.”
This continued for some time. The bus driver began to get more and more irritated with
the situation. He thought about it all the time and one day he found the solution.
4.2. __ E __ There, he started an intensive karate course. He practised every day and didn’t miss
a single class. 4.3. __ C __ When the giant got on again and said the same thing, the driver stood
up and said, “Oh yeah, and why doesn’t Big John pay?”
The giant reached inside his pocket. 4.4. __ B __ Naturally, he expected the worst. But the man
took out a plastic card and said, “Because Big John has a bus pass.”

A. Instead, the man decided to buy a ticket.
B. The driver watched this movement.
C. After three months he was ready.
D. So he didn’t say anything.
E. He decided to join a gym.

Zadanie 5. (0–3)
Przeczytaj informacje o trojgu rodzeństwa (5.1.–5.3.) oraz opisy czterech pokojów w ich
nowym domu (A–D). Do każdej osoby dopasuj pokój, który byłby dla niej najbardziej
odpowiedni. Wpisz odpowiednią literę obok numeru każdej osoby.
Uwaga! Jeden opis został podany dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej osoby.


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